
The accordion layout is a simple collapsible accordion that uses the title of your item as the trigger to open or close the accordion. The accordion can use content from K2, Joomla or images populated from a directory.

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The Zentools2 carousel layout merges your content with a supremely flexible responsive carousel. 

There are two main types of carousels available in Zentools2:

  • standard 
  • featured

Carousel with discs and no margin

The carousel below displays images from a folder using discs for pagination and the margin between items removed.


Carousel with numbers, title overlay

The carousel below displays images from a folder with the title overlaying the image.


Three item carousel with next / prev buttons and animated title overlay

The carousel below displays images from a folder where 3 items are always visible in the carousel above small screen widths. The title is displayed in a caption above the image when the user hovers over the image.


Carousel with multiple columns

The following carousel displays each item in two columns. The carousel is set to only ever show a single item in the carousel at one time.


Featured Carousel

The featured carousel displays 3 items in the carousel with the central item enlarged and at full opacity. The carousel reduces to one item per carousel on small screens. The numbered and disc pagination is not available with this layout.


Featured carousel with images and overlay

The carousel below displays images from a folder using the Featured layout.


Featured carousel with boxed theme

The carousel below displays images from a folder using the boxed layout which adds a container element around the items in the carousel that appear after the first item. The carousel also has the equal heights option enabled which ensures all items in the carousel have the same height.


Featured carousel with animated overlay

The carousel below displays images from a folder using the animated overlay theme. This means that when the user hovers over each item the item title or any other items in the layout are animated onto the page.


Options available for the Featured carousel

  • theme
  • matchheight
  • slide_speed
  • autoplay
  • autoplay_speed
  • navigation
  • nav_prev
  • nav_next
  • largescreen
  • largescreen_items
  • mediumscreen
  • mediumscreen_items
  • smallscreen
  • smallscreen_items

Options available for the standard carousel

  • theme
  • matchheight
  • margin
  • slide_speed
  • autoplay
  • autoplay_speed
  • pagination
  • paginationNumbers
  • largescreen
  • largescreen_items
  • mediumscreen
  • mediumscreen_items
  • smallscreen
  • smallscreen_items
  • navigation
  • nav_prev
  • nav_next

The stacked layout is a faux parallax effect where the item's images are fixed in position behind an overlay which can contain any of the other items specified in the Zentools2 item layout.

As the user scrolls down the page the images remain fixed in place and are covere dup by the following images.


Zentools2 comes with a number of slideshow layouts that can be used for to render content slideshows, image galleries, background responsive slideshows and more.


Basic slideshow

The slideshow below displays the image, title and content of items in a slideshow using the fadeUp transition. Next and previous buttons are enabled for navigation between items.


Video Slideshow

It is possible to create a slideshow that uses embedded video from vimeo or youtube. The video iframes are taken from the intortext of your Joomla content or from the K2 video item. Please note that the video stops once the slide progresses to the next slide in the slideshow and so it is advised that you disable autoplay if using video in your slideshow. 



The backstretch slideshow is ideal for slideshows that need to retain the same height across multiple device widths. The bvackstretch library centers the image and resizes the height or width to retain the aspect ratio as much as possible.

  • Lagoon
  • Leapr
  • Skipper
  • Skynight
  • Sundebt


Slideshow overlay with thumbs

The slideshow below highlights the use of thumbnails to trigger the slideshow. The thumbnails are a linked carousel that scrolls through the available items in the slideshow. You can specify the number of thumbs to display across a variety of screen sizes. The thumbs displayed below the slideshow are displayed in a carousel that automatically scrolls so that the active item is shown in the carousel. The slideshow settings allow you to determine the number of thumbs that should be shown across large, medium and small screen sizes.



Slideshow with animated overlay

The slideshow below uses the animated overlay half theme option. All items other than the image are displayed in the overlay which animates onto the screen a short time after the slideshow image is tansitioned.


Slideshow overlay half animated

The slideshow below uses the same settings as the exampel above except in this case it uses the animated overlay half style.


Slideshow overlay full

The full slideshow overlay places an overlay over the entire image. The content of the slideshow is then displayed above the image.


Slideshow Boxed

The boxed layout adds a box underneath the items in the slideshow except for the slideshow image.


Options and Settings


The theme applied to the slideshow. Includes none, boxed, overlay, overlay half, overlay full, animate overlay and animated overlay half.



Effect applied to the slide as it moves from one item to the next. Includes: fade, backslide, go down, fade up and slide. 



When enabled the slideshow automatically transitions to the next slide.


Autoplay Speed

The time between slides when slideshow is autoplaying.



When enabled the slideshow adjusts it's height to match the height of each item in the slideshow.


Slideshow Counter

Displays a counter that shows the number of the current slide and the total of all of the slides in the slideshow.


Navigation Arrows

When enabled next and previous buttons are used to navigate to the next and previous items in the slideshow.


Previous Text 

Text used for button that moves the slideshow to previous item


Next Text

Text used for button that moves the slideshow to next item


Pagination Type

The type of pagination to be used to trigger the display of individual items.Options: None, discs, numbers, thumbs.


Settings for thumbs as pagination

Large screen width

Items to show in the pagination area on large screens


Items to show on large screen

Items to show in the pagination area on large screens


Medium screen Width

Items to show in the pagination area on medium screens


Items to show on medium width

Items to show in the pagination area on medium screens


Small screen width

The px width (without px value) that small screen thumbs are used.


Items to show on small screen

Items to show in the pagination area on small screens


Thumbnail width

The width of thumbnails in the navigation


Thumbnail height

The width of thumbnails in the pagination.

The single image gallery is a simple way to display a single image or item in a module that is able to be linked to a lightbox gallery that is able to display the rest of the items available to the module.


Single image example

Clicking on the image below will launch the zentools2 lightbox which contains another 4 images included in the gallery.

The grid layout uses a flexible responsive grid that allows the user to set a maximum number of columns (1-6) per module. The columns will automatically resize and display your content so it's always displayed at an optimum width. 


Maximum number of columns explained

This means that at it's widest point the grid will only be displayed in 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 columns. At screen widths larger than the desktop breakpoint the module will always display the maximum number of columns. At sizes smaller than the desktop valkue the grid will display in fewer columns that make your content more readable.

An example 

For instance if you set the large screen value to 1200px, medium screen value to 800px and the small screen value to 600px and the maximum column option to 4, when the browser is above 1200px the module will always display it's items in 4 columns.

On screens smaller than the desktop width the module will revert to 3 columns (in between 800px and 1200px) for medium screen sizes and 2 columns for screens larger than small screens and smaller than medium screens (600px to 800px). And for screens smaller than the small screen width (600px) the module will collapse to a single column layout.

Custom Screensizes

The module allows you to determine the value assigned to each screen size on a module per module basis or for all instances of the Zentools module, giving you complete control over how how your content displays in your template across a range of screensizes.


Maximum 4 column grid

The Grid below is set to display in a maximum of 4 columns. The settings in the module determine the points at which the grid resolves to 3,2 and 1 column.


Maximum 2 column grid

The Grid below is set to display in a maximum of 2 columns. The settings in the module determine the points at which the grid resolves to 3,2 and 1 column.


Columns within grids

The Grid below is set to display in a maximum of 2 columns. The settings in the module determine the points at which the grid resolves to 3,2 and 1 column.


Marginless grid

The Grid below is set to display in a maximum of 2 columns. The settings in the module determine the points at which the grid resolves to 3,2 and 1 column.


Grid with overlay

The grid below is displaying a maximum of 3 column grids, with no margins and the title element overlaying the image.


Marginless grid with animated overlay

The grid below is displaying a maximum of 3 column grids, with no margins and the title element transitions into view when the user hovers over the image.


Boxed theme with equal heights enabled

The grid below uses the boxed theme and the setting to make the items equal height enabled. The equal height settings ensures that your grid of items maintains a uniform and consistent display.


Boxed theme with equal heights disabled

The grid below uses the boxed theme and the setting to make the items equal height disabled.


The grid can also maintain it's columns on small screens

The grid below uses the setting called Enable grid on small screens to ensure that the grid items do not collapse when viewed on a small screen.


Themes and other display options


The grid layout also includes a number of different theme options. They include:

  • none
  • boxed
  • overlay
  • animate overlay

Display options

Other display options include:

  • make each item equal heights
  • remove the margin between items
  • maintain it's columns on small screens.
  • Display loading animation and delay the display of images until all images have loaded


The grid layout also has the option to provide an animated effect for when the item is visible on the screen. When this option is enabled and if the item is visible on the screen on page load or becomes visible on the page as the user scrolls the item is transitioned onto the page.

The available effects include:

  • fade
  • fade from left
  • fade from top
  • fade from right
  • fade from the bottom.

The grouped option displays in much the same way as the grid layout however it's main focus is to group the categories of items into discrete groups or lists - making it ideal for creating a user friendly sitemap or category overview for your site. 



Multiple columns

Each item in each group can be displayed in single or multiple column layouts.


Sitemap or table of content

The grouped option is ideal for displaying your content in a table of contents or site map type of layout. The module provides the option to hide or show the button at the bottom of each column, as well as specifying the text used and the class / style applied to it. The options for thje class include none, simple and btn - which inheirts your template's button style.


Options for the Grouped layout

Maximum number of columns.

This option determines the number of columns to group each category of items in. Columns within each group are defined int he layout tool.



None, boxed, overlay, animated overlay


Remove margin between items

Removes the gutter between each item so that the columns sit next to eachother.


Link to more items

When enabled a link is added to the bottom of each column that provides a link to the corresponding category. This option is not available for the images and gallery content source.


Link to more items button style

This option allows the user to specify a class / style to apply to the link to more text button. There are three options:

  • None - used for a simple text link.
  • Simple - uses the item border, item back ground and color specified in the module settings
  • BTN BTN-primary - Inherits the btn btn-primary class from your template

Text for link to more items

This allows the user to define the text used for the more items link.


Display item count

Displays the number of items being displayed for each column at the top of each column.


Display item category

Displays the category for each column at the top of the column.


Hide items until images have loaded

Acts as a preloader that hides the content of the moduel until all of the images in that module have loaded


Display loading animation

Option to display a loading animation while the images are loaded in the background.


Loading Message

The text used to display while the images are loading. Leave blank to avoid showing any message.



The filter layout is a grid based layout that allows the user to filter the items that are shown in the module according to their respective categories. The triggers are automatically populated based on the category of your item.

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Masonry layouts are like a jigsaw puzzle. This layout attempts to create a layout that best fits the various sizes and shape of the items in the layout. The width of featured and non-featured items can be specified in the module settings as well as the gutter size.


Masonry layouts are typically vertical grids rather than horizontal grids which means that the script will try to place the items evenly across the page rather than evenly down the page.

The example below shows a masonry layout using the default settings. The middle larger image is a featured item and takes approximately twice as much space in the layout as the non featured items.


Masonry with Overlay

This style adds a static overlay to all items in the layout.


Masonry with Animated Overlay

This style adds an animated overlay ot the item when the user hovers over any item in the layout.


Masonry with Overlay only on featured items

The overlay on featured items only option adds the title, text or any other elements specified in the item layout with an overlay effect only to featured items. Any non featured items are displayed as an image only. 


Masonry with boxed styling

The masonry example below uses the built in boxed styling that can be applied to most of the Zentools layouts. The boxed styling targets all items other than the first item (in this case all items except for the image) and places in a padded box. The color of the box is easily specified in the module settings.


Masonry with small items

This is an example of the masonry layout using custom values for the widths of the standard and featured items. In this case standard items have a width of 12% and featured items have a width of 25%. Custom widths are easily created by creating custom settings in the module parameters.


A note on using masonry layouts

The Zentools2 module provides a lot of control when it comes to rendering masonry layouts. It's important to note that you may experience inconsistent results depending on the values you supply for item widths and gutters.

The demo above (other than the small example) use the following width values:

  • Item width: 24%
  • Featured Item Width:49%
  • Gutter Width:1%
  • Bottom gutter: 4px 

Masonry Settings


The following options can be found in the options panel in the module settings.

Select a theme:

none / boxed / overlay / Featured Overlay / Animated Overlay


Make items equal height:

off / on



The following options can be found in the theme panel in the module settings

Item Collapse width

This setting specifies the browser width at which all items are given 100% width.


Item Width

This setting specifies the width of non-featured items in the layout. Use px or % values.


Featured Item Width

This setting specifies the width of the featured items in the layout. Use px or %.


Gutter width

This setting specifies the gutter between items in the layout. Use px or %.


Bottom gutter width

This item specifies the margin below items in the layout. Use px.